Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The 3 C's

When someone walks out of your life. Let them. There is no point in chasing after people who do not want to be chased. Don't waste your time on people who left you. Spend quality time with people who stayed with you.

What you make of yourself and your dreams, are not tied to the people who left. They are no longer a part of your future. So don't ruin your present and your future tied to the people who do not care about what happens to you. Sure, you are allowed to miss them, think of them once in awhile. But remember it is not you who gave up. It is not you who walked out. It is them. Make a choice. Take a chance or your life will never change.

another awesome quotes inspire you from
-rita zahara-

p/s : Everything you do, everything you say, definitely touches someone else. In some sort of way.......and sometimes our actions speak louder than words. That got me to thinking, u never know whose life u have touched without saying a word. huhu~