Monday, March 19, 2012

random part 4

lunchie with the mathematicians
kualiti masa bersama mereka yg jarang diperolehi

REFLECTION 2012, @ solaris dutamas

meet siti juwariyah
blogger from Indon during REFLECTION 2012
*die cantik gileeeerrr*

the BBMers

mata die bulat!
peha die gebu mcm drumstick kfc!
kau hado?
*bak kate mama die, pendiam mcm papa die :D*

having seoul garden steamboat @ OU
wallet anda bersama saya
do u trust me? no worry, ur wallet is safe with me :D

working on weekend is not cool!
*tapi muka mcam happy jer. hakak konfius hokkay! haha*

Fiza's wedding

was appointed as rapportuer during brainstorming session
seriously jawatan yg paling tidak suka untuk dijawat!
*saket kepale!*

muka serious nak kene tampor!

belle's engagemnent
yellow theme

lily! kakak love this leopard dress!
thank you! xoxo~

handmade bunga telor for dhabit's aqiqah

kitorang memang suka buat keje dalam kete
pastu buat sampah dalam kete
tapi hasilnya mantapppssss
walaupun sampai pening2 mabok buat keje dlm kete
hahahaha :D

p/s : update blog tetengah malam ni perot rase lapar giler laaa. disebabkan mcm takot nak pegi dapur, jadi kite tido je utk abaikan rase lapar tu. samat malam. ok bye!